Wenzhou University Online Program “Chinese Bridge”
Is coming soon!
近日,教育部中外语言交流合作中心组织了2021年“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目,温州大学喜获项目资格。2021温州大学“汉语桥”云端营将为世界各地中文爱好者提供一个优质的学习平台,参与者通过学习语言文化、体验中华才艺等方式进一步提升汉语水平,了解中国传统文化和近代发展概况。Recently, Wenzhou University has been endorsed to hold Wenzhou University Online Program “Chinese Bridge” of Year 2021, which is a part of the Online Communication Program “Chinese Bridge” of Year 2021 organized by Center for Language Education and Cooperation under Chinese Education Ministry. We will provide a quality learning platform for Chinese language lovers from all over the world. And participants will improve their Chinese language proficiency and get to know more about Chinese traditional cultures and modern developments by learning and experiencing.
What are you waiting for? Apply now!
No limits in age, nationality or language skills, but your passion for learning Chinese. As long as you want to learn, we would like to teach. Joining us, you will know a new China.
When to apply: From now on to December 25th
How to apply: Email to admission@chengrenys.com (contact Ms. Even Chi directly if you apply together with a group of schoolmates)
Phone: 86-577-88680971
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