成人影视 - 成人激情网 > 学生工作 > 学生公告
The insurance of the following students is already expired. You will be in the expulsion process soon and you will fac
The insurance of the following students is already expired. Please make payment today, or you will face the following
The insurance of the following students is already expired. Please pay it immediately, or you will face the following
Most of our international students’ insurance will expire during the summer vacation. To protect your safety in China
The insurance of the following students is already expired. Please contact Office 225 before June 19, 2024, or you wil
经校学位评定委员会审议,决定授予国际学生硕士研究生MAGOBEYA DENMORE等 10人硕士学位,现予以公示。如有异议,请在公示期内通
Note: If students have already been in the process of forced dropout, this notice won't change the result.