All students graduating in class 2020 living in D area. That are about to do internship next semester back in your country and don’t want to live in D area next semester. We would like to inform you that the school will not count your one-semester dorm fee. You need to go to your major college to get form to apply for withdrawal from D area.
(i)Deadline: January 10th, 2020
(1)Filling in the applicant form in major college
(2)College’s opinion on Graduation Time
(3)Ayi’s check & D2 105 and pay 100 yuan in deposit
(4)Office 219
(iii) Materials:
(1) Application Form
(2) Safety Commitment
(iv) Note:
(1)When you leave dorm, you need to ensure that your room is clean.
(2)You can get the application form from office 219, 3rd building , north campus.
(3)Once after deadline, you need to pay dorm fee of next semester.
(4)Applicant: fourth-year bachelor students and Third-year postgraduate students who can successfully graduate in 2020 June.
(一)截止日期: 2020年1月10日
(五)注意事项: 需要将寝室内物品清空并将房间打扫干净后搬离,并反馈回国或去外地机票或火车票或汽车票。未按时申请或申请后未按时搬离者视为自动放弃退宿申请,将收取下学期住宿费。
Please downlod safety commitment
Application form